
Friday, June 19, 2009

AIX Tips

1. Finding the type and serial no of the server

uname –Mu -------model and serial no

lsattr -El sys0 -a systemid -------- Serial no

2. Finding the filesets to be installed to reach an oslevel.

oslevel –rl 5300-08 – Lists the set of files/files to be installed to reach 5300-08

3. Finding the boot disk

ipl_varyon -i --------- show the boot disk.

4. Finding whether SMT is enabled.

smtctl --- shows the status of SMT

5. Finding the fileset which contains particular binary

lslpp -w /usr/bin/vmstat
o/p --> bos.acct

which_fileset svmon
o/p -->

lslpp –f

6. Working with vi and smit from maintanance mode

export TERM

7. Finding total no of users.

luser ALL |wc –l