Saturday, July 12, 2008

How to check AIX bootdisk

ipl_varyon -i will show the bootdisk

Friday, March 28, 2008

Using vi editor in AIX maintenance mode

Issue the command

#export TERM=aixterm and then use vi editor

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Unlocking user accounts

3004-303 There have been too many unsuccessful login attempts; please see the system administrator.

you can check unsuccessful_login_count for a user:

# lsuser -f | grep unsuccessful_login_count

Then you need to reset the value to 0

# chsec -f /etc/security/lastlog -a "unsuccessful_login_count=0" -s

oslevel command

oslevel -rl 5300-06 give you the required fileset to be installed for making the oslevel to 5300-06